Sunday, February 14, 2010

Grand Opening of ALBA HANDYMAN Blog

Salams semua..

Alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat jugak aku bukak blog personal tentang hobi aku..
thanks to ALLAH..

nama address blog ialah, bukan mazdaspeed ye, dia jadi albaspeed sbb dah pening pikir nama apa yg sporty sket, tp aku tak tiru mazdaspeed eh.. tp kira tiru jugak lah... isk pening pening.. takkan nak letak alba of ghostriders plak.. tak leh tak leh...

Blog ni aku bukak sbb nak share tentang ape yg aku biasa DIY, probably this blog will full of photos rather than writings sbb a blog biasanya become worthless without photos, betul tak?

Maybe aku akan banyak cerita pasal SUPERBIKE especially moto buruk aku SUZUKI GSXR1100WR sbb aku pakar tentang model tu (belagak betul ngaku pakar) and kete ala2 sport buruk aku iaitu MAZDA LANTIS yang aku pun still new tentang kete tu..

So, aku pun tatau nak tulis ape lagi, tengah gather ideas..
Tunggu next post dulu :)


  1. :-D sejak bile ko pandai berblog ni?? setau aku ko pandai rempit je.. :p. anak guaner? sihat?

  2. DIY..Yayyyy!!!... i love DIY... hey dude, i thought this blog is about that old heap of junk Suzuki and also...about cars...forgot to include the other detail hah?? :) Mazda fan also want to know the stories maa... especially for the Mazda Bohjan Model cars like yours. i hope you documented all the procedures so that people can actually take a look at your work. Good luck Mr Carburetor man.
